Emma author

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • A detailed article on what the Mediterranean diet is, what are its rules, principles, health benefits, plus a ready-made menu for the week.
    1 November 2023
  • Kefir diet options for weight loss, basic principles of compliance with examples from the menu. Contraindications
    4 January 2022
  • Diet for pancreatitis, the most important for pancreatitis, nutritional therapy for pancreatitis, what to exclude, what you can eat, approximate menu.
    6 January 2021
  • Diet Beloved, eat everything and lose weight, the essence of the diet, the pros and cons of the method, the principles to be followed, an example of the menu, reviews of those who have tried this diet on themselves, is it worth it.
    3 January 2021
  • Ducan's diet for weight loss: general principles of nutrition, advantages and disadvantages, contraindications. The main phases of the protein diet with examples of menus for the week. Answers to frequently asked questions.
    2 January 2021